Thursday, May 25, 2017

End of the Year Thoughts...

This is the 17th time I have ended a school year as a teacher. Actually it is my 18th, if you count my student teaching experience. I have spent nearly an equal amount of time teaching at public schools as I have private Christian schools, and there has been a wide variety of types of schools in each of those two categories. I think I may have learned some stuff about teaching, but I still feel like a rookie most of the time: like I still have a lot to learn.

As this year ends, I thought I would share a few thoughts from my years as a teacher (and specifically this last year):

Sunday, May 7, 2017


My wife was home sick, so I set my phone up on the lectern during the service... Horrible angle for the camera... but the sound was OK. I don't start preaching until 38:47.