Saturday, February 8, 2025


When I meet someone who believes in any variety of Darwinistic Evolution, I just think of this in my mind. 

And then I go. "Yeah. Right."

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Education is Fundamentally Religious

The following is an excerpt from The Case for Classical Christian Education by Douglas Wilson, pages 21 and 22. 


The NEA knows what it wants and is willing to dedicate its resources to get it. Sad to say, on the other hand, most Christian parents do not know what they want and are not willing to sacrifice anything. Many within the system still have a biblical view of morality, and so they want to work against this sinful agenda and try to restore "traditional" morality to American schools. 

On what moral basis shall the teacher who wholly suppresses all appeal to religion rest that authority which he must exercise in the classroom? He will find it necessary to say to the pupil, "Be diligent. Be obedient. Do not lie."  This must be done so the student may acquire his secular knowledge. But on who's authority? By what standard?*

Education is fundamentally religious. Consequently, there is no question about whether a morality will be imposed in that education, but rather which morality will be imposed. Christians and assorted traditionalists who want a secular school system to instill anything other than secular ethics are wanting something that has never happened and can never happen. 

Because all truths converge towards God, the teacher who cannot name God must have fragmented teaching. He can only construct a truncated figure. In history, ethics, philosophy, and jurisprudence, religious facts and propositions are absolutely inseparable from the subject at hand. The necessary discipline of a schoolroom and secular fidelity of teaching require religion.*

If they converge toward the Christian God, then He will be acknowledged, and His Word will be honored. If all "truths" converge on the Sinai of another God, then we will see his law/word imposed. And that "law" will in our day amount to some variation of catering to the powers that be.


* These two quotes are from R.L. Dabney, On Secular Education (Moscow, ID: Canon Press, 1989) pg 19,24 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Good Bye to a Dream (a sonnet)

Here now the time has come to say good bye.
It came to me the way the night arrives. 
O let the dusk remain like a long sigh. 
Alas but now in darkness my dream dies.

No breath or life does dream have of its own, 
but life it has within the dreamer's lungs. 
So when a dream its final breath has blown,
the dreamer feels like final song has sung.

Good bye my dream I know you were not meant
to live beyond the constraints of my mind.
Imagination now forever sent...
I leave you now on trail I've left behind.

Eulogy now spoke the deed is done,
I lift my eyes and pray new dream will come.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Are looks more important than personality? No, Actually. (My Son)

 He worked on this for almost a year. 

I'll admit two things regarding this video.  The first is that it speaks to an audience that I am (mostly) unfamiliar with.  He uses terminology that I've not heard. Mewing... Looks-maxing... etc. He acknowledged this audience, for sure, but as I learned what the words meant and who this audience is, I realized that the terms might be different, but the audience is age-old and permeates most other audiences. 

The second is that... and I've told him this... I don't think he goes far enough with his answer. Now, for the record, he goes as far as he wants to go with the video. He doesn't want to answer the question with an entirely new solution, he is primarily (as he has told me) sought to destroy the concept that looks are of primary importance. 

It is a long video, documentary movie length... but I think it is interesting... and so I share.