Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Sunday School Class

In the Adult Sunday School class at church we just finished the book, Lord, Change My Attitude, Before It's Too Late by James MacDonald. It was a good book and everyone in the class really enjoyed it. In fact, a couple of people mentioned that we should do that same book again! They felt like the book had opened their eyes to some attitudes that needed dealt with.

Well, we thought about doing the same book again, but instead decided to do another James MacDonald book from a similar category. This time we will be using the book I Really Want To Change, So Help Me God.

I mention this for three reasons. The first reason would be that those of you who are Christians that read this blog might simply take a moment and ask... That you would ask that God would be involved in our Sunday School Class in a real way. That His Spirit would fill our minds and the teaching that is done in that room.

The second reason for me to mention this class and the books we are using is for those who might be from Danville who read this blog. If you are from Danville, think about dropping by. I would never want to purposely draw people away from their own churches, but at the same time if you are not regularly involved in a Church, or if you are at a church that isn't feeding and encouraging you for the week, then I would ask that you consider being a part of our church.

The third reason that I mention these books is to point people toward the books. They are very good and very practical, and completely worth the little bit that you would pay if you purchased them through

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