Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Daily Bible Reading

Every once in a while I put in a plug for my other blogs. One of them that I have put more typing time into than any other blog is my Daily Bible Reading Blog.

The title of the blog is Daily Bible Reading. To read why I used that title, you can click this link.

Anyway, I have been working on it lately, making sure that I am getting up a little earlier to post on it on a daily basis. Of course, I am going on vacation this week, and I won't be able to post on it for a couple of days, but I promise, I will be back to it as soon as I get back.

I put this post here again, mostly because I am such a believer in being in the Word on a daily basis. Even if it is something small. Please consider adding me to your blog reader so that even if you don't read the commentary that I add, you will at least get a verse a day.

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