Saturday, April 3, 2004

going non-stop

2:00 pm-- Friday afternoon -- Charity calls. The boys are going to stay with my mother-in-law. They are going to spend the night there. No kids. No kids after school, no kids during supper, no kids in the evening, and no kids to put to bed.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. Anybody that knows me, knows that I love my kids. You try to take my kids away from me, you're gonna see wrath. But if they want to go stay with one of their grandmas... "luv ya kids, have a nice trip!"

Well, the kids were gonna be gone, and our anniversary is April the 5th, so we decided to go out!

5:00 pm-- At the school. -- Finally telling Paul Rolley to go to work, Charity and I left the building, and made a quick trip home so I could put on something a little more casual.

Stop #1 -- 6:00 pm-- Buon Appetito. The only wood-fired oven in the state of Indiana & Charity's current favorite restaurant. And her fav dish... The Chicken Saltimbocca (sp?). My current favorite... The Drunken Chicken Pizza. (Don't worry Faith Christian School Students, no drunken Mr. Harmless...)

Stop #2 -- 7:00 pm-- Barnes and Noble. While we were there I visited the coffee shop and purchased a coffee. Charity purchased a Hot chocolate. We also purchased each other a book. I got the book, Three to See the King. Charity got Emma.

Stop #3 -- 8:20 pm-- Sacred Grounds Christian Coffee Shop. We were going to see the student band - "The Illumination Band" play. We didn't have anything else to do, so we thought that we would just go ahead and arrive early. I got my second coffee of the night, and sat down to watch the band warm-up.

9:00 pm-- The band begins. -- After warming up for over a half of an hour, and listening to someone say "check, check" 5,727 times, the band finally begins. This band features some of Faith's students, so of course there was a huge turnout of Faith kids. And suprisingly there was a substantial turnout of Faith teachers... Weird, I know. We were forced onto the stage to participate in singing "School's Out for Summer". There is nothing like watching Mr. Heim sing some Alice Cooper. It was a really good time, and Joe, Nick, Adam, and Brady are very talented.

Stop #4 -- 11:00 pm-- We finally leave Sacred Grounds and head to the next stop. We don't have children for the night so we decide to stay out.

Stop #5 -- 2:30 am-- home at last. But instead of going to sleep, we decide to watch a movie. We were pretty pathetic. Neither one of us can stay up that late anymore.

7:00 am -- at Meijer. Getting a couple of donuts. I also finished the gift for my wife. We then decide to make a day of it in Indy.

Stop #6 -- 11:00 am --Steak & Shake. To get a couple of large drinks for the road. Diet Vanilla Coke for me, Sweet tea for Charity.

Stop #7 -- 12:00 pm -- McDonalds. Just for a small snack. We are planning on going out for a big dinner.

Stop #8 -- 12:30 pm -- Indianapolis Museum of Art. A free art museum. Mostly enjoyable, but we were both tired. And half of it is under construction. So some of the coolest exhibits were closed. I also tried their coffee shop. Which by the way, they have a coffee shop 10ft before you get to the entrance of the first exhibit. But they don't allow food or beverages of any type inside of the exhibit area. Annoying.

Stop #9 -- 2:00 pm -- Keystone at the Crossing. We walked around there for a while. Looked at several different stores.

Stop #10 -- 5:00 pm -- Maggiano's. A very good Italian place. My first time going to that restaurant. After the meal, I had another Coffee.

Stop #11 -- 8:00 pm -- Grammy's house. (My mom.) Need sleep. Going to spend the night here. It was good to see the boys again.

Overall a good anniversary weekend.

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