The subtitle to the book is "A Guide for Guys Who Are Sick of Porn". So one might think that this book will only be beneficial to someone who is or has struggled with porn, but I want to recommend it, not just to those guys, but like I said, to everyone who comes by this review. I really believe that this book would also be beneficial to the wives, friends, parents, pastors, etc. of those who have struggled. I say this for two reasons: One, this book offers a very accurate view of one who is struggling with porn and everything else that might go along with it. Two, the "detox" part is also a detoxification of all of the sexual philosophies that are taught in the media today, the scope of which includes much more than porn.
In the book Tim Challies does an excellent job of reorienting the reader to a Biblical view of sex. God created sex. It was His idea! He has also given restrictions and guidelines, but these are for our good and ultimately for our highest enjoyment of sex! (I never thought I would type that phrase in a book review...)
This book was read by the author, which I always feel adds an extra element to the reading of the book. I love audio books, mostly because it gives me something valuable and useful to do during my morning commute, but I really love it when the author read the book. It makes it feel more like someone is sitting there with you, sharing something that God has laid on their heart.
Go by Christian Audio and download a copy of this book.
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