Every month
Christian Audio offers a free audio book, and nearly every month I download the book. I have listened to most of them, because that is what I do on my commutes to work instead of listening to the radio.

This month's book is
Adopted for Life
by Russel D. Moore. Christian Audio's page has this to say about the book:
The gospel of Jesus Christ—the good news that through Jesus we have been adopted as sons and daughters into God’s family—means that Christians ought to be at the forefront of the adoption of orphans in North America and around the world.
Moore does not shy away from this call in Adopted for Life, a popular-level, practical manifesto for Christians to adopt children and to help equip other Christian families to do the same. He shows that adoption is not just about couples who want children—or who want more children. It is about an entire culture within the church, a culture that sees adoption as part of the Great Commission mandate and as a sign of the gospel itself.
There has been some talk in our house of adoption, so I am interested in this book. When I am done with it I will offer up a few thoughts about it. If you get it and listen to it, let me know what you think. If you are interested in the print version, please
click here
or click the picture of the book to go to
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