Friday, October 31, 2008
Pay Off
We were on our way home and we were dreading the Trick or Treating thing. We have never really disliked it, but we just weren't in the mood. (And I had a feeling that they weren't really in the mood either...) So, we made them an offer. My wife said, "How much would we have to give you to NOT go trick or treating?"
Youngest son (with no concept of money), "A Hundred Dollars!"
Oldest son, "Um... What exactly do you mean?"
Me, "Well, we aren't in the mood for trick or treating, what else could we do instead? Understand though, if you really want to go trick or treating, just let me know. I don't want you not to go if you are going to feel sad about something."
My wife, "How about a toy, a pizza and a movie?"
Both sons (spoken with excitement), "Yes!"
Me, "sold."
You can't soak the Rich!
You Can't Soak the Rich (The Wall Street Journal)
[HT: Finger Toe, who also wrote this little piece: Nobody gets it, Rich do not pay taxes ]
Obama vs The Willis Family
Not that anybody who has made up their mind would even find this to be a bad thing for a leader...
Obama vs. Scott and Janet Willis
Reverend Scott and Janet Willis, whose six children were killed in a tragic accident involving a truck driver who had obtained his commercial drivers license through bribery, drive three hours to the state capital in Springfield to testify in favor of a “Choose Life” license plate; proceeds from the specialty license plate would be used to help fund adoption expenses. Echoing pro-abortion groups, Obama calls the issue “contentious.” NARAL calls it "aggressive propaganda," and the vice president of the Illinois National Organization for Women calls it "a violation of free speech." Reporters fill the hearing room, eager to record the expected emotional Willis testimony; Obama calls only his friendly witnesses, ignores Scott and Janet Willis, and then abruptly adjourns the hearing. Obama reconvenes the hearing the next day, after the reporters have returned to Chicago, listens to testimony, and then has his Democrat-controlled committee kill the legislation. [412,413,414]
[ht: A Little Gray Matter ]
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Final Day
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monica Pryor
This morning at 8:45 Monica Pryor went to be with Jesus! Her family surrounded her bed and sang and prayed as she slipped peacefully into eternity. God's empowering favor has been so strong in and through Monica and continues to rest on her family Please keep praying for them.
Visitation will be Wednesday evening from 6-8 p.m. at NHCC, and her home going service will be Thursday at noon, also here at NHCC.
A few hours ago, as Monica's family gathered in her bedroom, 2 Corinthians 5 filled our hearts with hope:
"For we know that if the tent, which is our earthly home, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened - not that we should be unclothed, but that we should be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
"So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord."
2 Corinthians 5:1, 4-8
Remember, "He who has prepared us for this very thing is God…"
Peter H.
Also, on her Caring Bridge Blog, her father writes:
This Monica's father again, my sweet daughters struggle is over!!! She has been gently ushered into the presence of her Lord and Savior. There was much pain and struggle, but our prayer for a gentle departure was honored. Her labored breathing slowed then became smooth, then gently stopped. Her dear husband and our family surrounded her and sang "Just as I am"a song we often sang together as we drove to church. This was our last trip with her. To those who wrote and encouraged Monica with your notes of love. how can we thank you? You were a intregal part of her strength as this cancer progressed.
From Monica's Mum,
the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The gods of chaos are working against me. At the moment that they see that I am almost getting caught up, they bring about some new method to sway me away from my goal. Somebody needs help getting moved, someone needs some computer assistance, there is a special school function that requires my presence, something, always something... They know my greatest weaknesses.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Lost and Found
So, last week was not a good week.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
decisions made in a pickup truck
Monday, October 13, 2008
Big pie
Friday, October 10, 2008
When I reached my first lull in my rant, one of my students, with a smile on his face, says, "...maybe we could take some extra points off the top of those high grade students and give them to those students who don't have as many points. In my neighborhood, that's called fair."
He's a sophomore.
New Quote
"Stupid should hurt."
Love it.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mail Goggles
Mail Goggles by Gmail
[HT: Sunday School Thoughts]
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
On Target for Halloween
I have always liked Halloween. I have several good memories associated with this holiday, but I had to agree with the tone of this particular post.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
So, I have been without internet all day. This is bad for a guy who does 90% of his work on the internet.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I know this guy!
[HT: Rebecca Writes]
New Piano
Well, my lovely wife found an awesome deal on Craigslist and informed me on Wednesday that I would be driving to get a piano on Saturday. I was a little nervous about trying to pick a piano up and set it in my truck. I didn't have a trailer that I could borrow and I didn't have any people that I could haul with me to get this thing, but my wife said that we were going.
Sounded like a good opportunity for me to point out that this particular furniture mover had never been able to purchase any straps for his old truck. There was no way I was hauling a piano in the back of my truck without it being securely strapped down. The accounting committee in my house (also known as my lovely wife) granted permission for the strap purchase.
The piano moving bill passed, along with my little bit of pork barreling, (didn't know what that was until this week ) and so we all piled into the cab of the truck and took off this morning. After a McDonald's stop, an air pressure in the tires stop, and a bathroom stop, we arrived!
There weren't any problems in the transit or the delivery, and (with a little help from my friend Lee) before I knew it, there was a lovely piano sitting in my living room. Just another in the long list of things that God has blessed us with.
Sorry for the poor quality of picture, it was taken with my phone and the lighting was bad. I just can't believe that we got it for $125!
Follow me...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Weird 27
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Number four is on the way. I didn't have an available scanner, so I snapped this shot with my phone, but you can see the little bud.
To answer your question, No. I didn't plan this. Yes, I am happy (how couldn't I be?) Yes, my wife has had morning (and afternoon and evening and night) sickness for several weeks now. Yes. I am tired, but not regretful. Yes, I am hoping for a girl. Yes, I am holding back some of my excitement because of our most recent experience, but that hesitation is quickly fading. It almost faded away when I saw the heartbeat last week. This shot is from this week. Yes, I am 36 years old. Yes. I am already wondering how this will affect my future. And Yes. I love it.
Isn't it amazing how you can love your child before you even see it? From the moment you see that little flutter on the monitor. Actually even before that, because it precedes technology. Even if I couldn't see it on a little screen. Even if we didn't even have that CVS pregnancy test, it wouldn't have mattered. I loved it from the moment my wife said, "You know, I have felt this way before. I am pretty sure I am pregnant."
My wife's doctor asked her about some tests that she could take. One of them would let her know about different potential genetic problems that the baby could be born with. She asked the doctor whether or not it would affect anything that they would do during the pregnancy or delivery. He said no. So, she said, "Why would I need to know?" The implied answer was the question of keeping the baby.
If I had a problem with one of my other children, could I get rid of one of them. I am not well off financially, should I eliminate one of the problems. Does that make it OK? I thought I was done having children, can I just say "no" now? I mean, I am really not ready for all of this (again).
Of all the philosophies that are at work in America, I find this lack of concern over the weakest and the smallest of our residents to be the most appalling.
So, I post this particular blog post to announce new "harmless" life. I pray (and ask you that know me to pray) that God will protect it and continue to form it in my wife's womb. I look forward to the day she (he?) is born. I anxiously await the day I get to meet her for the first time. And the years I will have discovering her personality and likes and dislikes.
I hope to make her laugh.