Two words for you... Brain Fried. I have been attending this thing for about a half of a day, and already I am brain fried. I just finished the session on Building Spiritual Maturity in Your Men. And it was great. Gave me several ideas about what I could be doing in my Bible Class, but more importantly it gave me some ideas for my own life.
Around here the phrase, "...growing and changing..." is heard more than you want to admit. But it is true. We all need to be growing and changing. None of us has arrived, and none of us will arrive on this side of eternity.
Last night Doc Smith, one of the speakers for the conference, taught the session on the superiority of Biblical Answers. (Which, by the way, was really good!) During that session he commented on the word normal. And to sum up, none of us is normal. Because of the curse of sin, we are all abnormal. The only one who is normal is Jesus Christ. I have always thought of that the other way around, like Christ was abnormal, and we were the ones who are normal, but that contradicts the Word of God. We were created to be pleasing to God, and that is our very purpose of existence... The very reason why those certain genetics came together, those very genetics that God before time preordained to come into existence, was for you to please God. And to not do that is going against our very purpose of existence!
Maybe I should write about "a day in the life of a human being." It would be short, and the only things of value would be those things done for eternity.
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