Next Friday (hopefully) I am going to start a Point Man group. I was part of a Point Man group in the past, but it failed miserably. The idea was good, but the participants weren't as genuine and transparent as necessary... including myself. Since that time, more than 6 years ago, I have wanted to be a part of one again, but things weren't pointing that direction, so the desire and the idea remained on the back burner. Now that I am a pastor, and feeling very much like a missionary to Danville, the Point Man concept has moved back up to the front.
I casually mentioned the idea to a guy that I know, hoping that I might work it into an offer to start one with me. I showed him the book,
Point Man
by Steve Farrar, and before I even got to the idea, he asked me, "hey, do you think I could buy one of these right now?" We hopped on the computer, steered towards Amazon.com and he made the purchase.
Like I said, I am hoping to have the first get-together next Friday (a week from today). If you are a guy and you are interested in getting with us, let me know. I have at least two other guys that are interested, but we haven't bought any extra books or anything yet.
Well, I can't end the post without at least one quote from the book, so I picked two that gave me a little kick when I first read them. This first quote is actually a quote from another guy names Richard John Neuhaus:
Millions of children do not know, and will never know what it means to have a father. More poignantly, they do not know anyone who has a father or is a father...
It takes little imagination to begin to understand the intergenerational consequences of this situation. It is reasonable to ask whether, in all of human history, we have an instance of a large population in which the institution of the family simply disappeared. It is reasonable and ominous, for the answer is almost certainly no. There is no historical precedent supporting the hope that the family, once it has disappeared, can be reconstituted.
Do you get what this is saying? The deconstruction of the family is unprecedented. At no time in history has it fallen at this magnitude, and the concern he poses is... since the deconstruction is unprecedented, the reconstruction also has no historical examples. In other words, can it be fixed?
Here is another quote from page 86 that is even more personal.
Righteousness must not only be found in our pulpits, but in our homes. The home is the church in miniature, and every Christian father has been appointed pastor of his own home. Christian men, whether they are leading a church or in the home, must seek after righteousness.
Men, are we pastoring (shepherding) our own homes?
If you live in Danville, and you want to get together with us, let me know. Click the picture of the book to go to Amazon and buy a book, or let me know and I will see if I can get one for you. I would love to connect with some more men in Danville that want to be God's kind of men.