by A.W. Pink.
You may have noticed that I have included a few quotes from this book lately. I've really enjoyed it, but I might be a little biased because of the "fluff" that I've been reading along side this book. I only have a couple of pages left in this book, so I thought I would go ahead and type out a short book review. (Reviews of the "fluff" will come later.)
This book is clearly about the sovereignty of God. From God's sovereignty in creation, administration, and the natural world, to His sovereignty in salvation. The book seemed to start a little slow, but that was mostly because it was dealing with topics that most people wouldn't question. When you deal with sovereignty in creation, that's simple. Sovereignty in administration (the workings of the world), that doesn't press any buttons. As the book progressed, it picked up steam as it inched closer and closer towards that inevitable conclusion... God is sovereign in salvation.
I picked up this book with many of those understandings and teachings already, but as I progressed through this book it built in me a love for the topic. Pink discussed the sovereignty of God the way someone might describe a beautiful painting or the way a husband might describe the beauty of his wife.
Whether you are into old theology books or not, I highly recommend this book.
The Kindle Edition is available for only $0.99! Click through now to get it: The Sovereignty of God
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