Thursday, May 6, 2010

Abide in Christ

(Picture borrowed from Wikipedia)
I am reading through Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray.  I was introduced to Andrew Murray a few months ago through his book on prayer.  He was a "South African writer, teacher and Christian pastor.  You can read a little of Andrew Murray over at Wikipedia.

There were powerful, passionate words in that book on prayer that stirred in me a desire for even more prayer.  So when my wife brought home a box of books (which is possibly one of my most favorite things to happen!) I was excited to see a book by Andrew Murray.

The book is about abiding in Christ.  I won't attempt to summarize, his words are too good, but I will include a quote from "day three" in the book.
Abide in me:  These words are no law of Moses, demanding from the sinful what they cannot perform.  They are the command of love, which is ever only a promise in a different shape.  Think of this until all feeling of burden and fear and despair pass away, and the first thought that comes as you hear of abiding in Jesus be one of bright and joyous hope:  it is for me, I know I shall enjoy it.  You are not under the law, with it's inexorable Do, but under grace, with it blessed Believe what Christ will do for you.  And if the question be asked, "but surely there is something for us to do?"  the answer is, "our doing and working are but the fruit of Christ's work in us."  It is when the soul becomes utterly passive, looking and resting on what Chris is to do, that its energies are stirred to their highest activity, and that we work most effectually because we know that He works in us.  It is as we see in that word IN ME the mighty energies of love reaching out after us to have us and to hold us, that all the strength of our will is roused to abide in Him.
So, there you go.  Just a taste of Andrew Murray and his powerful, passionate way with words.  The thing that I love about reading his stuff, along with many of the writers from days gone by, is that nearly every page, every paragraph contains a quotable text.  How do they do that?

1 comment:

  1. Great quote! It's been years since I've read Murray. Guess I need to pick him up again. Thanks!


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